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baby skate on ice ground

its a sunny afternoon. baby's mother suggested haunting outside and baby glad to go. i dozed in the morning for boring, so i also join them. players not too many there, while baby dauntless stumbled on the ice ground. he learned to walk first, and indeed walked well. he in average can walk 100 m or so without falling. we really pround of him.

more about "baby learned to skate", posted with vodpod


baby tried to skate

bright sunshine after snow

on my feet

first step on skate ground

gathered in the end of my stumble
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home movies around lunar new year

family gathered in eve of lunar new year

lunar new year's feast.

playful baby with his mom


enjoy with all Chinese the lunar new year's day

in KFC

waiting mom in KFC

with dad at home

our feast for lunar new year's day
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Merry lunar new year's day!

2 days passed since the beginning of the great holiday. its not a bad lunar new year's day for me. with the another bonus from QRRS, my long time employer superficially, i equipped my camera with a rechargeable battery pack, and a bag for my new notebook bought just before the holiday. God, i felt so contented! in the conversation with my home town folks online, i sensed some of them don't glad as me when i told them my news and how i enjoyed them. might as jealous as it can be as them felt, but i hope God didn't left them in misery without hope in this holy days.
as doubtlessly, i shot a lot with my new camera, including open outdoor scenes. even carry a camera as large as my FujiFilm Finepix s2000HD can brings passengers curiosity, i would try my best to bring it everywhere as my second brain and sight. i really enjoy photograph!
last night is the eve of lunar new year. the grandma, the aunt(the kid sister of baby's mom) and the uncle (the second son of ema's aunt) gathered in ema's house to celebrating the holiday. the grandma prepared a rich feast, and the aunt of baby left in time to free me of worry of letting me sleep with the uncle while ema's family slept with baby in our bedroom. last night my family, ema and me and baby son, warren zhu, first time since the curse slept together in bedroom. the grandma with the uncle slept in another room future for baby. baby lingered aside the uncle with pc games most of time. i hope he can care himself days after days. i in beset of God to let him do mostly what he likes.
its a nice day today, bright sunshine till afternoon. ema decided to buy a pmp to read ebook on it. she chose to buy it online. but she remit the payment directly to the vendor, instead through the bidding site, eachnet.com. i just too glad to see people around me enjoy their new gadgets.
ok, that's it. now please enjoy my works through my camera.


8th snow in Qiqihar, China

yesterday its really chilly. in the night i busy with posting a blog entry for my newly claimed sites for my home town, zhudajiu, a mountain village in Central China. this morning after getting up my first thought is if it snown last night. on the way to office i saw the snow was heavy. i don't feel too glad to see the white, for it hinders me to carry my new camera with me as i intended. i remember in the urgent moments when i in need of snow to clean the dirty around from staining me, and my inherit love for snow white.
this morning again a busy morning. i didn't left my chair except for lavatory. i pushed the last post to my google apps sites, and new logo to all my publish channels. i by the way claimed a new youtube group, dajiuzh at http://www.youtube.com/group/dajiuzh, beside the previous channel of zhdajiu athttp://www.youtube.com/group/zhdajiu, and decorated them with their new logo. i ate fast food in office, for the snow covered road really can be dangerous.
ok, its a nice morning, in the atmosphere of coming holiday of lunar new year. i also look forward it, for leisure and gathering. ema asked several times why i longing for the holiday, now that my purse was empty and my social circle was meanly and countable. she don't know i always live with hope, and hope with my due glory and pride.

for i didn't carry my powerful new camera, i had to shot this snow scene with my poor cellphone camera.


2 busy and fruitful days

on Jan 19, 2009, my score on qq, a Chinese im community, which like most Chinese portals as well as the Chinese cadres association, never missing any chance to bargain with any users with any services they provide, accumulated to reach its level 16 and was granted the privillage to create a my own group, while in icq.com, where my account kept after 10 years' none login, and i can create any groups i want at any moment. for my most acquaints r in China, so i really want to own a qq group so as to let my pals gather in the group im. so i launched at once and failed countless times the night before the day on home pc, which lagging any time when i surfed, under China surveillance. but on the day in office, i got my qq group after 2 or 3 tries. the next step i want to bind it with my alumni on qq.com, which just setup the alumni service, trying to bail in the hot water of social network. it demands at least 6 members to apply for the binding, after i tried a lot, finally i got enough members in my qq group, but just dumbfound the rule of the site means at least 6 members of my qq group have to be also my alumnus's registered members on the site. so the rule again failed me and i had to give up it, for my alumni, like my site's visitors, both countable.

the next day i doubting why i had to apply for social circle, and i thought it should be a great deed to expand my existing sites, including a site on google sites at http://sites.google.com/site/zhudajiu , and some group in the same title, like http://www.youtube.com/group/zhudajiu , to cover more content in the future for my forever green home town, zhudajiu, a mountain village in Central China. last night i designed a logo for it and felt quite satisfying, and on bed i almost sleeplessly elaborating the idea and prepared full duty for today to accomplish. and its indeed. the whole day, including lunch time, i didn't left my pc in office, busy with customizing sites for dajiuzh, 朱大九走向世界,and re-organized family blogs on blogger.com to align with my single presence on web, esp. under be21zh.org, who has gain a google adsense account. dog around the office biting all day, spilt dirty water on me mentally restlessly. i also updated all my family google app engine accounts with refined theme, working and versatile redirection. when work time over, i can call it a day, left some minior task await tomorrow. ema just buzzed in to let me buy baby a Hamburg.

today is a bright day, sunny and crisp. the air is very chilly. when arrived home, my fingers almost frozen. i surely have the bright heart and mood to enjoy the peace of settlement, and the joy of business boost.



benzyrnill, set to fly - do it, make it.





QQ: 570503557







sun, the sun, now cover the glorious village

it, zhudajiu, a mountain village in Central China, booming to its due glory, and to reclaim its glory from its ancestor, the Emperor of Ming Dynasty.